We’ve encounter trouble with the Java applets which affect all the Real-Time Tools. Our hosting company is helping us to debug the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
It's been three long years since I started working on this project. It transformed from "A Crash Course In Chart Reading" to "Art of Chart Reading" over the years. It ...
As promised, we have reorganized the site a bit and now the top menu for the site features the Emini S&P Trading Central! The Emini S&P Trading Central puts ...
So far there is no report of Internet wide attack on websites powered by Wordpress today. We've done enough basic measures for now to protect the website. However, we ...
Our real-time servers experienced a serious corruption of its database and server software which led to malfunction of our real-time trading tools. My team could not pinpoint the cause of ...
The option expiration week intraday biases, Op Ex Tuesday and Op Ex Friday are added to the end-of-day reporting on S&P Signals. The intraday month end bias is also ...
We’ve given all we can and still cannot make the new servers to work in stable condition. Under this circumstances, I have instructed my team to update the old servers ...
First round of website clean up is now completed. The ad network advertisements are removed from our site. These ads are identified as the main culprit of reduced loading speed ...