Introduction to Emini S&P Real-Time Custom Market Breadth

By Lawrence

Emini S&P Real-Time Custom Market Breadth is part of the real-time trading tool set for Emini S&P traders and all traders who need a better market timing tool for their day trading need. The first generation Emini real-time custom market breadth chart provides the intraday chart of the S&P Tick1K Index and indicators derived from the breadth data. Much has been written about the superior S&P Tick1K index over the regular NYSE Tick Index in my article series on Tick Index. Links are provided at the end of this introduction for those who want to learn more about Tick1K.

Launch the Emini Real-Time Custom Market Breadth Chart

The Emini Real-Time Custom Market Breadth chart can be opened from the S&P Signals page under the Real-Time Tools tab. After you click the button, a new browser window will be opened with the chart ready.

Some browser may have problems opening the window properly because of ad-blocking plug-ins or security against use of javascript. To resolve the problem, you can add to your browser’s safe list so that the you can open the tool properly. Another solution is to open the tool with a different browser.

The Window Layout

Alpha version layout below.


The chart is in 5-min resolution with data from US stock market open at 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Eastern Time. The chart is a snapshot of what happened after the completion of each 5-min bar.

Top pane shows Emini S&P

2nd pane shows S&P500 Tick1K Index

3rd pane shows the rolling strength indices based on the S&P500 Tick1K data

4th pane shows the rolling momentum based on the S&P500 Tick1K data

The usage of each individual breadth data and indicators derived from them are documented in separate articles.

How to Use the Chart

The chart is not designed to replace your regular charting program. Its purpose is to provide you with critical real-time information that you cannot get from any other sources. Once you are familiar with the information provided by the chart, you can put it somewhere on your screen that only exposes the right hand side of the chart.

Essentially, for day trading purpose, we only need to reference to the chart on the last hour to 90 minutes on the right hand side. Thus, leaving the window covered on the left hand side by your charts or browser windows is perfectly fine.


Alpha release is made available to all premium members for feedback and suggestions.

It is likely the indicators derived from the S&P Tick1K index in alpha release will be replaced, based on what type of signals the premium members like to get from the chart.

Premium members please let me know the kind of signals you are interested in so that I can prioritize the release of various trading models based on the index.


Trading With Tick Index series provide detail information on Tick Indices and their characteristics


  • Han777 January 4, 2017 at 12:27 am

    Suggestion. Make the top 2 panels equal height so the eye can more intuitively compare relative slopes and magnitude of move between es and tick1k.

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