Everything a Newbie Should Know About Daytrading – A Super Concise Guide

Edited by Lawrence Chan
Written by Lawrence Chan and other contributors
Copyright 2010 All rights reserved
First edition – July 16, 2010

This is our condensed guide to daytrading and trading in general. A lot of topics are touched so that newcomers to daytrading will have a checklist on hand that they can explore from.

New to Trading
or You Have Never Made Any Money Trading

    What is trading, investing, or speculation in various markets? [+ show]

    What is daytrading? [+ show]

    Why daytrade? [+ show]

    Trading for a living [+ show]

    Daytrading for a living [+ show]

    Daytrading as alternative to classic investment [+ show]

    Full-Time vs Part-Time [+ show]

Instrument Selection

    What should I trade? [+ show]

    What should I daytrade? [+ show]

    Stocks [+ show]

    Commodity/Financial Futures [+ show]

    Index Futures [+ show]

    Forex [+ show]

Learning How to Trade

    Reading from books [+ show]

    Learn from a coach or trainer [+ show]

    Selection of brokerage [+ show]

    Finding the right tools [+ show]

Surviving the Learning Curve

    Money management [+ show]

    Control your risk [+ show]

    Do not over trade [+ show]

    Practice [+ show]

Discretionary vs. Mechanical

    Why Discretionary Trading is Better? [+ show]

    Why Mechanical Trading is Better? [+ show]

    The Concept of Computer Assisted Trading [+ show]
