Ambiguous Net Identity

By Lawrence

Having my site reviewed by experts resulted in a very interesting conversation last Friday. has an ambiguous net identity … the word stuck in my head since.

Ambiguous because most people use the internet for leisure and the remaining 10 to 20 percent are looking for answers so that they can save time and money. And here comes the problem. has so many things in it people are often confused that it is a financial portal instead of a trading educational site or trading service site.

When people cannot find what they want on the home page, they browse around a bit and leave which defeated the whole idea of helping these people to trade better.

Is there a solution to this? I don’t know yet but I am told some drastic changes has to be done to make the site more focus on my target audience.

Learning something new again.


  • ptqt March 9, 2015 at 10:49 am

    Experts in what? …perhaps not trading knowledge and related content. I’m not sure what your objectives are wrt your website, but it has been a dynamic work in progress that has improved significantly over the years. In my view, you have been inventing as you go within your own field of expertise – which is generally not the purview of experts from another field. Looking at best practises is often a valuable exercise, but I hope that in distilling the content you do not denature it. Trading success is as much about character and personality and understanding ambiguity as it is about expertise.

    • Lawrence March 9, 2015 at 9:33 pm

      They have a point.

      Anyone looking for help and enter the front page or an article would not know immediately it is a place where there are useful resources to help them.

      The much older version of this site, having less information, is easier to figure out that there are useful information to explore.

      How to strike a balance is the difficult thing in the design world.

  • Han777 March 11, 2015 at 10:14 pm

    A site map would be helpful. I find many things by searching because I don’t know what trail of menus to follow (even to this blog for example or the year 2000 analog). My number one site design request would be a convenient way to be notified of any new content, preferably by email.

    • Lawrence March 16, 2015 at 9:58 am

      A non search engine Site Map is a pretty good idea.

      Will see what can be done along that line.

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