This video tells us the importance of keeping a growth mindset. As traders, we have the responsibility to keep an open mind and adapt to the environment. With a growth ...
Pivot Point in day trading refers to the average of the previous session’s high, low and close. A set of other price levels are derived from the pivot point as ...
David Allen is a consultant and coach on productivity. If you find yourself overwhelmed by what you want to do but unable to handle them all, this talk is ...
A controversial TedTalk from Nick Hanauer. It is so sensitive that it is pulled from TedTalk website. Time magazine have a piece on this talk, Was Nick Hanauer’s TED ...
I have not had a food allergy episode for many years. These things are bounded to happen though and I have lived through one this week. It is a good ...
Thank you everyone for contacting me about my coaching and mentoring service for traders. The best word I can use to describe the response is overwhelming. At this point there ...
Statistics on everything and interesting implications from the data. It is a long video at about 56 minutes. You can get the book When to Rob a Bank from ...