If you really know what's going on, you don't even have to know what's going on to know what's going on... You can ignore the headlines because you anticipated them ...
Stock market technique is not an exact science. Stock (and commodities) prices are made by the minds of men (and women).
- Richard Wyckoff
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Speculation is most dangerous when it looks easiest.
- Warren Buffett
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Warren Buffett on Risk by DaytradingBias.com
Accept both your profits and regrets. It is best to seize what comes to hand when it comes, and not expect that your good fortune and the favorable circumstances will ...
When you develop your opinions on the basis of weak evidence, you will have difficulty interpreting subsequent information that contradicts these opinions, even if this new information is obviously more ...
Anyone who buys or sells a stock, a bond or a commodity for profit is speculating if he employs intelligent foresight. If he does not, he is gambling.
- Richard ...
It is not important that the basic value of the shares be practically nothing as long as there are other people willing to close their eyes and support those contradictions.
It wasn't anything to be proud of, when you think that I had been broke three times in less than two years. And being broke is a very efficient educational ...
The best investors talk about being keenly aware of what they know and don’t know. Mediocre or dishonest investors pretend they know. Bad investors don’t even know they don’t know.