Greed, Fear, Impatience, Ignorance, and Hope will all fight for mental dominance over the speculator. Then, after a few failures and catastrophes the speculator may become demoralized, depressed, despondent, and ...
You don’t want to hold a position when you don’t understand what’s going on. That doesn’t make any sense.
- Bill Lipschutz
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The question isn’t “Is the market efficient?” but rather “How inefficient is the market?” and “How can we exploit this?”
- Edward Thorp
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Patience is the key to success not speed.
Time is a cunning speculator's best friend if he uses it right.
- Jesse Livermore
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Jesse Livermore ...
When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?
- John Maynard Keynes
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John Maynard Keynes on Facts by ...
When you develop your opinions on the basis of weak evidence, you will have difficulty interpreting subsequent information that contradicts these opinions, even if this new information is obviously more ...
If you really know what's going on, you don't even have to know what's going on to know what's going on... You can ignore the headlines because you anticipated them ...
Accept both your profits and regrets. It is best to seize what comes to hand when it comes, and not expect that your good fortune and the favorable circumstances will ...
I think to be in the upper echelon of successful traders requires an innate skill, a gift. It’s just like being a great violinist. But to be a competent trader ...
The constant monitoring and obsessive reasoning behind moves in a portfolio will never allow you as an investor to allow your profits to run.
- Ali Meshkati
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