When you develop your opinions on the basis of weak evidence, you will have difficulty interpreting subsequent information that contradicts these opinions, even if this new information is obviously more ...
The most important rule of trading is to play good defence, not great offence.
- Paul Tudor Jones
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There is no holy grail, and there is no magical system. You have to win the battle within you first before you can win with the markets.
– Maria Psarra
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Beware of large positions that can control your emotions. Don’t be overly aggressive with the market. Treat it gently by allowing your equity to grow steadily rather than in bursts.
There can be a huge gap between what you understand about the markets and your ability to transform that knowledge into consistent profits.
- Mark Douglas
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If you don't know who you are, this is an expensive place to find out.
- George Goodman
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The game taught me the game. And it didn’t spare me the rod while teaching.
- Jesse Livermore
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I know from experience that nobody can give me a tip or series of tips that will make more money for me than my own judgement.
- Jesse Livermore
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The constant monitoring and obsessive reasoning behind moves in a portfolio will never allow you as an investor to allow your profits to run.
- Ali Meshkati
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To be a super-trader, you'll need an edge to overcome the laws of probability and the uncertainty of the marketplace. That edge comes from information flow, the ability to correct ...