My site designer arranged a meeting for me with a famous internet marketing guru earlier today to discuss the marketing plan for It was a very interesting meeting and ...
Straight from the horse's mouth, Obviously, the US Treasury is sending a message here - hedge funds can buy equities but not allowed to unload all together ...
The irrational investors always make the same mistakes again and again because they act on their emotions. The funny thing is, many hedge funds behave exactly the same way, for ...
In the news, Rochdale Said to Be in Rescue Talks After Apple Trades Sour. Rochdale claimed than due to unauthorized trades made by a rogue trader has caused major ...
Majority of long term funds (i.e. not hedge funds) are all under performing the S&P 500 for 4 to 5 years in a row. Many people are expressing frustrations against ...
An interesting talk about the correlation of Google search and Wikipedia page views to the rise and fall of stock prices. It also extends to the predictability of the stock ...
The trading environment since the beginning of May has been very different from most of the summers I have seen. Here are some tips to ensure your trading goes ...
Several days ago while Facebook was selling below $18, I was calling in my real-time chat that $17.50 should be the floor for the stock and that the goal is ...
Many people asked why would anyone want to analyze the charts at the tick level. Wouldn't that be a waste of time since such high frequency activities are not likely ...
Central Banks Admit To Buying Stocks Finally
Here is the piece from Bloomberg, Central Banks Load Up on Equities.
Central bankers complain there is no return on holding bonds.
Now, that is funny!