As banks refuse to lend money to small and medium size businesses, technology is filling in with huge implications on the traditional banking services.
Confirmed today, Ever since the moment we've learned that Bank of England is going to choose a new leader, it is confirmed in every trader's mind that ...
A great presentation on the predictability of bubble burst. Watching just the video itself is not enough because Mr. Sornette also talked to Ted and provided his ...
This video is part of the Economics course offered at Yale. A good discussion of performance measures like Sharpe Ratio and the half truth nature of Efficent Markets Hypothesis. This ...
Another form of trading from a stock trader showing how one can profit from the stock market by following his plans carefully. The word investor chosen by Bloomberg on this ...
Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and other interesting books, presented a very interesting investigation he has completed on college students and their collective behaviours. What does this ...
Can you really make objective trading decisions when you have optimism bias? There two things I like to highlight from this talk. First, being more optimistic ...
I may not agree with Michael Shermer on everything he says but this video is something every newcomer to trading should watch and understand every word he says. ...