This is a short question and answer based video on what is grit. Angela Duckworth also has a TedTalk which I added to the video library here long time ago, ...
... continue from part 1 "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance"
- Confucious
Objective Evaluation Is Difficult To observe and collect evidence from something ...
First, a video from Secret Life of Money from Discovery channel. Not the full show here, just the short clip having the right statements and questions. ...
In the third part of the series, I have covered the psychological makeup necessary to compete against the other traders in the extremely competitive field of day trading. Those foundations ...
It is a motivational speech, surprisingly. By understanding that oneself is not exceptional or special, one can focus on living and learning from experience as oppose to defending their self ...
... continue from part 1 Insecurity Associated With Trading Confirmed Signals When being stopped out, you feel a lot more painful on confirmed signals comparing to taking a ...
Ms. Lien talks about the importance of diversification into other currencies. In the old days, US dollar was king and that the currency environment was pretty static ...
In the first part of this series, I have explained that majority of traders have a misconception of the way trading skill is developed over time. That misconception leads to ...