Forex Research Central

I spend a lot of time doing research on forex markets. Primary for my own trading but also done that for institutional clients. Following articles are the ones I have summarized from my years of research notes. I will keep posting more whenever I can squeeze time out from my schedule.

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How to Compute the Point of No Return Boundaries  member only

I have introduced the concept of Point of No Return some time ago here. It is not a complex concept but many traders find it difficult to apply the concept in their own trading. I will try to explain how point of no return is calculated in general an ...


Introduction To Real-Time Trading Assistant

Real-Time Trading Assistant is designed to provide real-time updates on known statistical biases and trading models. The summary information provided will allow the traders to evaluate the current conditions of the market more objectively. It is simp ...


Display of Waveforms
Market Breadth Primer: Forex Majors And Their Surprising Correlations With Historical Volatility  member only

Traders often talk about volatility. Many brokerages even offer volatility reports on various timeframes across all the forex pairs as a service to their clients. People talk about volatility because they think that if they know something about the v ...

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Position Sizing For Forex Traders and CFD Traders

Unlike trading index future contracts or commodity future contracts having a steep margin requirement and higher minimum account size across the board, forex trading (and CFD trading) can be done with very small size account. I am not talking about t ...

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Seasonal: Forex Majors In August  premium content

Seasonal charts for the majors. [DTBMember] Euro / US Dollar from 1999 to 2012   British Pound / US Dollar from 1999 to 2012 ...

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Seasonal: Forex Majors In July  premium content

Seasonal charts for the majors. [DTBMember] Euro / US Dollar from 1999 to 2012   British Pound / US Dollar from 1999 to 2012 ...

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Seasonal: Forex Majors In June  premium content

Seasonal charts for the majors based on historical data from 1999 to 2012.


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Seasonal: Forex Majors In March  premium content

Seasonal charts for the majors.


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Seasonal: Forex Majors In May  premium content

Seasonal charts for the majors based on historical data from 1999 to 2012.



Seasonal: Forex Majors In September  premium content

Seasonal charts for the majors. [DTBMember] Euro / US Dollar from 1999 to 2012 British Pound / US Dollar from 1999 to 2012 ...


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