The S&P 500, S&P 100 and Nasdaq 100 index historical component lists are updated with the latest changes up to Jan 2015. The Dow Jones Industrial Average historical component ...
We’ve encounter trouble with the Java applets which affect all the Real-Time Tools. Our hosting company is helping us to debug the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
The overall formatting of the real-time price levels tool has been adjusted so that it is more compatible across various browsers. Some unnecessary spacing are removed from the window ...
Internet outage across southern Ontario has been on going over the past 12 hours.
We tried other means to push out the reports but the efforts were wasted.
We will continue to ...
Site was not accessible for about an hour to 90 minutes due to connection problems at the hosting company. The problem was resolved quickly. If anyone find that similar ...
Sound control is added to real-time commentary / chat room area. For those who prefer no sound upon new message arrival, just click on the sound control icon to ...
I am glad to report that my decision to switch to this real-time messaging service backend is one of the best moves I have made this year.The stability and scalability ...
It took a long time but it is finally here. The tool is capable in producing various kinds of visual reports allowing traders to get themselves more familiar with various ...
Maintenance and upgrade completed.