Ever since I started trading as a teen and then on the floor of Toronto Stock Exchange, a parallel career as a consultant on trading related matters silently developed over ...
It is a long video (about 35 minutes). If you want to do better with your trading, or improving your life, I recommend you sit down and spend 35 minutes ...
This is a great introductory video I wish all beginners at least watch it once. It summarizes the reasons why it is very important to have a trading plan in ...
Another useful thing one can do to improve your brain function. Traders who need to improve their game will find the ideas from this video more practical and effective than ...
I have worked with many people in improving their trading performance. I have also worked with people to improve other areas in their lives. Leaving the more technical psychology stuff ...
A short and clear presentation of the concept and possible solutions to break the curse. Do not under estimate this behaviour – if you let it takes hold of ...
Ms. Rashcke's 2 hour presentation of her trading style with question and answer period at the end of the presentation. Several key things to take home from ...