Bernard Lietaer is the person whose post-graduate thesis at MIT back in 1971 formed the basis of the modern floating currency system. He is the author of the book The ...
A very interesting video by Tim Ferriss about his book The 4-Hour Body at Google Talk. If the book title has not stirred interest in you, the subtitle may – ...
An interesting talk about our perception and how it affects us in reality. Notice how determination and having short term achievable goals are crucial in helping us ...
In second part of this series, I proposed a new paradigm to think of trading skills development and the related expectations on trading performance. By accepting the new paradigm, traders ...
Jonathan Bricker is a researcher on behavioural change. His work shows that discipline alone is not enough to induce changes on negative behaviours or habits. Instead, having a strategy based ...
I may not agree with Michael Shermer on everything he says but this video is something every newcomer to trading should watch and understand every word he says. ...
Andy Puddicombe, a former Buddhist monk, talks about the usefulness of spending 10 minutes a day to maintain the most important part of your body - your mind. A ...
This is a great introductory video I wish all beginners at least watch it once. It summarizes the reasons why it is very important to have a trading plan in ...