According to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Steve Rogers was born in 1920, became Captain America in 1942 and turned into a popsicle for “almost 70 years” in Captain America 2: ...
Another edition of Valentine’s Day Guessing Game. Here is Google Trend on Valentine’s Day and two other terms. Can you figure out the other two terms? ...
John Green is now officially as popular as the stock market according to google trend! John Green is the author of the teen novel The Fault In Our Stars ...
Keep Calm And Buy TFATH
(In case you do not know what is TFATH ... The F#$king All Time High)
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Sometime fun for this Valentine's Day weekend. Here is Google Trend on Valentine's Day, Love and Sex. Can you guess which line corresponds to which term? ...
I have made it a routine lately to spend one day every week on organizing and purging stuff I stored away in lateral boxes. I cannot believe what I found ...