Introduction To Real-Time Trading Assistant
Real-Time Trading Assistant is designed to provide real-time updates on known statistical biases and trading models. The summary information provided will allow the traders to evaluate the current conditions of the market more objectively. It is simple to use and compact in size for conserving valuable screen space.
Launch The Real-Time Trading Assistant
Depending on the symbol you are tracking, you may launch the tool from:
1. Real-Time Trading Assistants
and other potential locations within the site in the future.
Click the open button to open a new browser window with the Real-Time Trading Assistant.
Once connection is made, real-time reports will be streamed into the window.
Some browser may have problems opening the window properly because of ad-blocking plug-ins or security against use of javascript. To resolve the problem, you can add to your browser’s safe list so that the you can open the tool properly. Another solution is to open the tool with a different browser.
The Window Layout
Here is a screenshot of the Real-Time Trading Assistant.
It is a simple table with several columns. It sports the same sound control in the Real-Time Price Levels Tool.
Time shows the time for which the bias or signal was generated from. If the event comes from the day before (or even older), it will display the date instead.
Name is the short name for the bias or signals. The research articles that are implemented in the real-time reporting tool have their titles updated with the Signal ID information at the end. For example, VSnap is the Signal ID for the Volatility Snap trading model.
Status indicates the event type. It can be one of the following states: bullish, bearish, breakout and handsoff. The event can be invalidated or fulfilled in real-time and the report will be updated to let you know.
Price is shown if a specific price is relevant for the event.
Misc shows any extra information that do not fit into the other columns.
Real-Time Biases And Signals
For an explanation of the overall design concept and what the tool can do for you, you can check out my summary on the subject, Emini S&P Real-Time Trading Assistant Explained.
A list of the supported real-time biases and signals for Emini S&P500 can be found in the Emini S&P Patterns Library.
The Forex equivalent will be added soon.
Update Schedule
The reporting tool is not updated by fixed time interval. Instead it is driven by the events themselves which can be 1-minute based, 5-minute based, 100-tick based, etc. The events are updated on demand individually.
Screenshot taken from alpha release.
Update to this document will be done when new features are added to the tool.
I don’t see it yet on the FOREX page link under the “real-time tools” tab? I’m mainly waiting for you to add HSI 😉 It would be highly unique if you did that because there are not many (any?) trade support tools that I have found for HSI, but there are tons for USA markets.
The one for Emini S&P is in alpha release.
Once the overall design has improved enough for beta, will push out the forex ones. Have to do that one by one though because I need to write up the signals and biases that are specific to each pair.
I have work done on DAX, FTSE, Nikkei and yes, HSI. Will take me some time to organize the research materials and have them posted.
Goody!!!!! Thumbs up, LC!