We’ve encounter trouble with the Java applets which affect all the Real-Time Tools. Our hosting company is helping us to debug the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
We've consolidated the premium products and their online help pages into one organized vertical menu system. Now that when you click the premium menu or access any pages related ...
We've updated the website with faster index pages to the articles with extra navigation options. The Real-Time Price Levels Tool is updated with price levels rounded to the nearest ...
We've completed our move of Historical Data Bank to a separate file server. All access to the data stays the same. Main website should no longer be affected ...
We are informed that there will be hardware migration tonight after 11 pm Eastern Time. Server connection maybe disrupted.
The full duration is not provided to us so expect this to ...
We’ve successfully restored the servers to fully functional state. We’ve also regenerated all the necessary custom breadth data that was disrupted last week. All daily reporting and real-time tools are ...
We've learned that quite a number of users somehow auto log out from the site for some odd reasons. We tracked that down to a "feature" introduced by the ...
Site was not accessible for about an hour to 90 minutes due to connection problems at the hosting company. The problem was resolved quickly. If anyone find that similar ...
We've been informed that the auto update of the daily market breadth charts are not functioning properly. We are investigating the cause and will likely make some changes in ...
Problem resolved. It turns out to be a database issue affecting the applets.