Holding cash is uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as doing something stupid.
– Warren Buffett
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Successful traders isolate themselves from the opinions of others.
- Linda Bradford Raschke
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Linda Bradford Raschke on Opinions by DaytradingBias.com
One common adage...that is completely wrongheaded is: You can't go broke taking profits.
That's precisely how many traders do go broke.
While amateurs go broke by taking large losses, professionals go broke ...
You have to be willing to make mistakes regularly; there is nothing wrong with it. Michael Marcus taught me about making your best judgment, being wrong, making your next best ...
Rule number one of investing is never lose money.
Rule number two is never forget rule number 1.
- Warren Buffett
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Warren Buffett on ...
There is no training, classroom or otherwise, that can prepare for trading the last third of a move, whether it's the end of a bull market or the end of ...
What sets successful traders apart?
......Most people think that winning in the markets has something to do with finding the secret formula. The truth is that any common denominator among the ...
Don't be a hero. Don't have an ego. Always question yourself and your ability.
Don't ever feel that you are very good. The second you do, you are dead.
- Paul ...
Successful investing is anticipating the anticipations of others.
- John Maynard Keynes
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John Maynard Keynes on Anticipation by DaytradingBias.com