Can you really make objective trading decisions when you have optimism bias? There two things I like to highlight from this talk. First, being more optimistic ...
Ms. Heffernan's presentation teaches us, traders, one important thing to always remember - don't be that 85% wilfully blind crowd, ever. Sometimes, especially when you are trading ...
Quite a number of fund manager and pro trader friends have experienced significant drawdown so far in year 2017. Partly thanks to the uncertainties of the current geopolitical environment, these ...
Statistics on everything and interesting implications from the data. It is a long video at about 56 minutes. You can get the book When to Rob a Bank from ...
Many people wonder why I name my website and not something else with a catchy phrase involving Emini S&P or Forex. First, I was not web savvy enough back ...
I have not had a food allergy episode for many years. These things are bounded to happen though and I have lived through one this week. It is a good ...
I received quite a number of emails lately from young adults, who are aspiring in becoming professional traders, seeking for advice. Most of them are looking for pointers on what ...
In the third part of the series, I have covered the psychological makeup necessary to compete against the other traders in the extremely competitive field of day trading. Those foundations ...