Was stuck at the Princess Margaret Hospital over better half of the day.
Saw this in the hospital.
The design is cute but it is not a good sign for the economy.
It is a Halloween themed box for packing Tim Bits (mini donuts). Halloween is over for more than 3 weeks yet the packaging supplies are still not used up at one of the busiest take-out coffee spots in downtown Toronto.
Since Thanksgiving weekend the holiday theme songs are playing everywhere, I thought Tim Hortons would be giving out Christmas themed boxes.
US election is early November. Olympic occupies pretty much all August. Although they are completely independent events, yet their schedules are set to happen together every four years. This combination ...
Huge buzz about the Bitcoin rally lately among internet sites and mainstream media. There are many interesting discussion of what it is and how it is going (or not going) ...
From his speech to the Economic Club of Indiana, Mr. Bernanke made some interesting statements. These statements, coming from someone with such prestigious background in education and credentials, ...
From New York Times, http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/22/societal-ills-spike-in-crisis-stricken-greece/?hp Stop the pay out to the fat cats and solve this global financial problem with humility.
Today the Jobless claims number fall to lowest level in 5 years. People just started to cheers about it and keep talking that how high can the stock market ...
The irrational investors always make the same mistakes again and again because they act on their emotions. The funny thing is, many hedge funds behave exactly the same way, for ...
Surreal story of a bank CEO stashed away $4.5 million in his home, hidden in the bookshelves inside shoeboxes. Forget about soup opera and sitcom, it is far more ...
Read, learn and understand how the US Treasury Department playing around the rules and regulations to keep the US government from exceeding its debt limit. This special manoeuvre will ...
Talked to many people lately who said they are now interested in buying a safe to put in their homes. Some of them heard the news about Japanese people have ...
ZeroHedge reported that Hugh Hendry has turned bullish, http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-12-06/hugh-hendry-throws-bearish-towel-his-full-must-read-letter It is nice to see Hugh finally see the possibility of what could be in store. Mentioned multiple ...
Left Over Packing Supplies
Was stuck at the Princess Margaret Hospital over better half of the day.
Saw this in the hospital.
The design is cute but it is not a good sign for the economy.
It is a Halloween themed box for packing Tim Bits (mini donuts). Halloween is over for more than 3 weeks yet the packaging supplies are still not used up at one of the busiest take-out coffee spots in downtown Toronto.
Since Thanksgiving weekend the holiday theme songs are playing everywhere, I thought Tim Hortons would be giving out Christmas themed boxes.
I was wrong and surprised.