Was stuck at the Princess Margaret Hospital over better half of the day.
Saw this in the hospital.
The design is cute but it is not a good sign for the economy.
It is a Halloween themed box for packing Tim Bits (mini donuts). Halloween is over for more than 3 weeks yet the packaging supplies are still not used up at one of the busiest take-out coffee spots in downtown Toronto.
Since Thanksgiving weekend the holiday theme songs are playing everywhere, I thought Tim Hortons would be giving out Christmas themed boxes.
Surreal story of a bank CEO stashed away $4.5 million in his home, hidden in the bookshelves inside shoeboxes. Forget about soup opera and sitcom, it is far more ...
Talking to a friend the other day, he mentioned that vegetables have doubled or even several times higher in price in just half a year. We are not talking about ...
According to the latest report from Bloomberg, the official WM/Reuters rates are rigged for a long time. The article is a good read for any forex traders not aware of ...
US Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) made the announcement last Thursday that it is going to buy $40 billion MBS (mortgage backed securities) every month with no expiration date ...
It is actually very simple to fix the current financial crisis if the major economic powers in the world can agree to do all of the following things. Create ...
I wrote about the possibility of asset tax coming to town in the 3rd instalment of my bartering series. Now, London is the first city to strike their foreign ...
Europe has been on life support ever since the start of the financial crisis. One key mechanism that will be put in place is the ESM starting July 1, 2013. ...
There is a confusion of what currency devaluation does to a country and its economy. Many people, including the well-known economists, have unrealistic expectation on the impacts of currency devaluation. ...
Using physics, one can calculate the net forces happening on the surface of Earth. This force is known to be the direct cause of tides and other short term natural ...
Left Over Packing Supplies
Was stuck at the Princess Margaret Hospital over better half of the day.
Saw this in the hospital.
The design is cute but it is not a good sign for the economy.
It is a Halloween themed box for packing Tim Bits (mini donuts). Halloween is over for more than 3 weeks yet the packaging supplies are still not used up at one of the busiest take-out coffee spots in downtown Toronto.
Since Thanksgiving weekend the holiday theme songs are playing everywhere, I thought Tim Hortons would be giving out Christmas themed boxes.
I was wrong and surprised.