One cornerstone in achieving trading success is the completion of your trading plan. I am not talking about a vague idea you have in place on how you engage the ...
Today, I received at least 5 emails (probably more into this evening) that they are burnt badly over the last few days because S&P has been going near straight up. ...
One thing that sets apart the winners from the rest in competitive environment is grit. This talk gives you an overview why it matters and how to improve yours. ...
I can proudly say that I have two full time jobs: one is a salaried desk job as a university professor and administrator, and the other is that of a ...
Ms. Smeets’ great presentation of scientists and media mistakes of mixing up correlation with causality. It is what I warned traders and quants to-be all the time – if you ...
Mr. Derman delivers a good point in this short video without using math jargons. All these mathematics being used nowadays by the financial institutions are really glamorous excuses to either ...
An interesting talk about the correlation of Google search and Wikipedia page views to the rise and fall of stock prices. It also extends to the predictability of the stock ...
This video is not one of those directly related to trading. Instead, it is a thought provoking video about our world and the current economic model. As ...
For those who do not have any prior training in meditation or some other means to clear your mind, like a good exercise routine, when you are not trading, this ...