Lose Your Opinion, Not Your Money
- Linda Bradford Raschke
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You don’t want to hold a position when you don’t understand what’s going on. That doesn’t make any sense.
- Bill Lipschutz
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Patience is the key to success not speed.
Time is a cunning speculator's best friend if he uses it right.
- Jesse Livermore
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Beware of large positions that can control your emotions. Don’t be overly aggressive with the market. Treat it gently by allowing your equity to grow steadily rather than in bursts.
There can be a huge gap between what you understand about the markets and your ability to transform that knowledge into consistent profits.
- Mark Douglas
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Participants act not on the basis of their best interests but on their perception of their best interests, and the two are not identical.
- George Soros
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Listen to what the market is saying about others, not what others are saying about the market.
- Richard Wyckoff
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One of the best rules anybody can learn about investing is to do nothing, absolutely nothing, unless there is something to do.
- Jim Rogers
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It's not about being right or wrong, rather, it's about how much money you make when you’re right and how much you don’t lose when you’re wrong.
– George Soros
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