Paul Ekman is the real life psychologist that the TV series Lie To Me is based on. This video is mainly not about the micro expression techniques he's discovered (invented?) ...
Tony Robbins is famous for his seminars and workshops on self improvement. This TedTalk however is not what he talks about in his seminars. It is an old TedTalk thus ...
Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power, gave an interesting talk how he made his breakthrough in his writing career. It is a good lesson for all aspiring ...
It is a lecture given by Sir Ken Robinson at UCLA back in early 2009. It is a talk of connecting your natural aptitude with your personal passion to achieve ...
It is nice to be back to the modern world where internet is actually functional. One actually has to experience the inconvenience to appreciate how great the internet is nowadays. ...
From his speech to the Economic Club of Indiana, Mr. Bernanke made some interesting statements. These statements, coming from someone with such prestigious background in education and credentials, ...
Ms. McGonigal talks about stress and how new findings in human response to stress leading to overhaul of our understanding of stress. Ms. Gonigal mentioned courage which ...
This is a good video that can help explaining why transition from sim trading to trading with real money takes some planning and efforts to smooth out the process. My ...
Paul Tudor Jones made a presentation at TED2015 on the concept of justness and the necessity to expand the definition of capitalism. Here is the blog entry from Ted ...