The Lawrence Chan Blog

I have diverse interest in many things from science and technology to martial arts and ancient health practices. Obviously, discussion of these topics should be done within my own blog as oppose to keeping them here. Hence my blog is created so that I can have a venue to express my creativity and thoughts on my other interests. For those of you who share similar interests, you can check out my site

Due to the sheer volume of articles I have written about trading, many of which are trading related yet not technically in line with what is offering, they have to be split from my blog into yet another site. Hence for my non-technical writings about trading, videos I have curated from various sources that I think are useful for traders and my reviews of trading related products, you can find them at the site Essence of Trading

The reason why I picked the Tai Chi picture above for this page is best explained by my article Tai Chi Traders in a World of Chaos at Essence of Trading.

Below are the old blog posts that were originally posted here. To avoid broken links from other sites, I have decided to keep them here.

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Historical Data Bank More Data And Revision

2014 Feb 9 Sun 18:46:30 | by Lawrence

Short announcement on Historical Data Bank.

More Data

2nd set of custom market breadth data are now added to the Historical Data Bank.

This new set of data includes custom breadth data for Dow 30, SPX 500, and NDX 100:

  • TICK1K Index
  • New High 20 Days
  • New Low 20 Days
  • New High 5 Days
  • New Low 5 Days

Both daily and 30 minute resolution data are included.

By next week the high resolution version of the custom breadth data will be ready.

Overall Look And Feel

User feedbacks told us that it is getting difficult to navigate through the data bank as more files are added.

We are testing with this new look having separate tab sheet for each data format.

It should reduce the time spent on browsing thru the files.

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Daily Market Breadth Monitor For US Indices Released

2014 Feb 7 Fri 23:35:45 | by Lawrence

The daily updated custom market breadth report is now ready.

In this first release, the following reports are ready:

1. market breadth summary in table format for Dow 30, S&P 100, S&P 500 and NDX 100

2. daily charts of the US indices and their custom market breadth data

You can see the report page here, Daily Market Breadth Monitor (US Indices)


p.s. This daily reporting tool is necessary for my upcoming Market Breadth Primer articles on various market breadth trading techniques.

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First Bitcoin Bank Run (Sort Of)

2014 Feb 7 Fri 14:02:37 | by Lawrence

First real major crisis in Bitcoin world finally emerged.

From the biggest Bitcoin exchange:


If it is not a bank run, I don’t know what is.

The interesting question would be the response of Bitcoin prices and eventual resolution of this event.

As I mentioned before Bitcoin has to go through various crisis before it can mature into something that the public will accept (i.e. going mainstream).

This is one of the many tests it has to face.

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We are going to conduct some stress testing on our real-time messaging capability over the weekend.

It may affect the real-time chat room and our real-time price levels tool from functioning properly.

If our conjecture is correct, we will be moving to a new backend to further improve our real-time messaging capability. This can open more options for me in terms of implementing the real-time bias reporting tool.

Exciting time!

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Manuel Forjaz: 15 Steps To Become A Millionaire

2014 Feb 4 Tue 19:47:57 | by Lawrence

A 22 minute talk from Mr. Manuel Forjaz.

It is a talk about how to start from knowing next to nothing in business and make it work out at the end.

His message right from the beginning hammers home the problems with majority of trading novice – not willing to change themselves (mentally and to certain extend physically) to align with the drive necessary to succeed.

Good advices for running your own business throughout the video. Many newcomers in trading do not realize trading is very much a business you are operating. You have to learn, adapt and change yourself to survive in the ever changing world of financial markets.

In case you are wondering what Bacalhau is, you can learn more from the page Bacalhau on Wikipedia.

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2014 Feb 3
Market Breadth Primer: Forex Majors And Their Surprising Correlations With Historical Volatility  member only

Traders often talk about volatility. Many brokerages even offer volatility reports on various timeframes across all the forex pairs as a service to their clients. People talk about volatility because they think that if they know something about the v …

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2014 Feb 3
WTF Chart of the Day: Google Going Down 50 Bucks

Talking about Google going down $50 since open at my chat room. Update of my chart from last week. Follow up on my last post, WTF Chart of the Day: Google Weekly And Quarterly STOPD Play …

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2014 Feb 1
Introduce The Advanced Chart Lessons

I have finally completed the first advanced chart lesson for Art of Chart Reading Online. It turns out that it is so long I need to break it up into multiple parts so that the concepts presented can be isolated for better understanding. Premium mem …

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2014 Jan 31
Custom Market Breadth Data Reporting Update

I mentioned that I am having the market breadth reporting section completely revised so that everyone can see the custom market breadth data and charts easily. After market close today I was shown the first prototype. I like the design – simple and …

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2014 Jan 31
Year of the Horse and the Chinese 19-Year Lunar Cycle

Last year I posted a chart on Dow based on the Chinese calendar’s solar lunar cycle. It is quite fascinating to see how the market unfolded last year where many of the turns are matching that chart. I am not sure if it can do the same for us this yea …

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