The Lawrence Chan Blog

I have diverse interest in many things from science and technology to martial arts and ancient health practices. Obviously, discussion of these topics should be done within my own blog as oppose to keeping them here. Hence my blog is created so that I can have a venue to express my creativity and thoughts on my other interests. For those of you who share similar interests, you can check out my site

Due to the sheer volume of articles I have written about trading, many of which are trading related yet not technically in line with what is offering, they have to be split from my blog into yet another site. Hence for my non-technical writings about trading, videos I have curated from various sources that I think are useful for traders and my reviews of trading related products, you can find them at the site Essence of Trading

The reason why I picked the Tai Chi picture above for this page is best explained by my article Tai Chi Traders in a World of Chaos at Essence of Trading.

Below are the old blog posts that were originally posted here. To avoid broken links from other sites, I have decided to keep them here.

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Google chart before earning announcement with relevant trend lines and patterns marked.


Previous quarter top 50% highlighted in blue on the left.

First week of 2014 STOPD Levels highlighted with the expansion levels.

Notice how Google reacted at the various STOPD levels highlighted by the yellow zones.

Important support levels highlighted by red zones.

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Real-Time Price Levels Tool Alpha Release

2014 Jan 29 Wed 22:39:41 | by Lawrence

Premium member will find a new section called Real-Time Tools on the S&P Signals page.

Currently there is only one button available there for opening the Emini S&P Real-Time Price Levels window.

For explanation of what it does, see the short summary I just posted, Real-Time Price Levels Explained

The tool is functional but not complete.

1. The pocket levels are not included yet because I could not decide the specific timeframes to include into the tool

2. I cannot control the size of the new window completely. Hence you need to resize it a bit depending on which browser you are using

3. After you launch the window, it shows the first message stored in the server. You need to scroll to the bottom of the message window to see the last update. If you do not do anything, after the next update arrives, it will auto scroll to the bottom anyway.

All feedback are welcome.

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Bitcoin Wallet Bandwidth Usage Issue And Its Solutions

2014 Jan 29 Wed 11:34:16 | by Lawrence

FallingSome people who installed the standard Bitcoin wallet find that it is taking up a lot of bandwidth. In fact, it eats up so much bandwidth it flooded their internet connections. This problem is one of the major bottleneck issues that will affect the survival of Bitcoin going forward. For now, I will simply provide solutions to the affected users so that they can keep their Bitcoin wallet running.


Windows Version (Config File Method)

By changing (or adding) a configuration file to the Bitcoin wallet, you can limit the number of simultaneous connections it make to the Bitcoin network. Using this method you can be sure that your Bitcoin wallet always launches with the limitation imposed.

1. You need to close Bitcoin wallet (bitcoin-qt).

2. Open the folder Bitcoin inside your AppData directory. It is usually located inside your user data folder,


One easy way to locate the AppData directory is to open either Internet Explorer or your Windows Explorer and type %appdata%\bitcoin at the address bar. It should take you there at once.

3. Add the text file bitcoin.conf if it is not there yet.

4. Add the following line to the file


5. Now you can start your Bitcoin wallet again. It will use the new setting from now on.


Windows Version (Shortcut Method)

Some people prefer to keep the choice open to launch their bitcoin wallets with default settings.

In that case you can create a shortcut of the Bitcoin wallet application on your desktop and add a parameter to the shortcut to limit the number of connections.

1. Close the Bitcoin wallet

2. Create the Bitcoin wallet shortcut

To create shortcut on Windows, right-click on the application icon and drag it to the desktop. You will then see a popup menu giving you a bunch of options. One of them is create shortcut.

3. Right-click on the shortcut icon and choose properties

4. In the target field, add the following to the end of the line,


5. Launching Bitcoin wallet through this shortcut icon will impose the limitation.



The default maximum connection setting of the Bitcoin wallet application is set to a very high number (greater than 100). If your internet connection is not one of those with high upload capacity, it can easily overwhelm your internet usage experience. Worst yet, some internet service providers would charge you for bandwidth usage beyond your plan limit.

You may have to experiment with the maxconnection setting to an acceptable value. I was told by a friend of mine whose uplink limit at 1 Mbps has to reduce the maxconnection setting to 5 to make it cooperative. If you let the Bitcoin wallet running at the default and that your internet connection can handle it, last time I checked it eats about 120G traffic a month. Thus, if your internet service has a total capacity limit you better check to make sure it will not use up all your allowance quickly.

You can support the Bitcoin movement and enjoy your internet service as-is without being penalized by the Bitcoin wallet’s design issues. It just takes a moment of your time to take care of the problem.

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WTF Chart of the Day: Is Google Doing Apple Meltdown

2014 Jan 27 Mon 19:27:04 | by Lawrence

What happened to Apple back in year 2012 below.


Is Google doing the same?


If so, is it going to be like the first red down arrow or the 2nd one on the Apple chart?

The difference can be deadly for some hedge funds.

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Real-Time Chat Room Minor Update

2014 Jan 26 Sun 17:56:01 | by Lawrence

Sound control is added to real-time commentary / chat room area.

For those who prefer no sound upon new message arrival, just click on the sound control icon to turn it off.

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2014 Jan 25
When There Are Many Articles

When I was reviewing my site earlier this morning, it came to my attention that I have written many articles already. So many that, when I tried to add the new articles to the index pages, I knew the pages would become too long for browsing. It was a …

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2014 Jan 24
WTF Chart of the Day: Y2K Deja vu Played Out

What happened 14 years ago recurred – Deja vu! First one from year 2000. Now what happened today. Even the magnitude matches ba …


2014 Jan 24
Update on Real-Time Biases and Signals Service

We are close to beta release of the real-time biases and signals service. This first release is a prototype thus the look and feel will change depending on user input. The first supported symbol will be Emini S&P. Once the basic layout and rea …

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2014 Jan 23
Market Internals 2014-01-23

Monthly update on market internals. The current snapshot of S&P 500 3-Day Advance Issues, Tick16 Short Term + Long Term as of 2014 Jan 23 close.   Review Short term bullish bias played out with S&P closing at year high by Dec 21, 2 …

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2014 Jan 22
Cal Newport: So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Mr. Newport’s Talk at Google on his book So Good They Can’t Ignore You. This talk is approximately 40 minutes. To sum it up, he is exploring the fact that Follow Your Passion is bad advice. What Mr. Newport says is true. In a limited sense, Sir …

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