The Lawrence Chan Blog

I have diverse interest in many things from science and technology to martial arts and ancient health practices. Obviously, discussion of these topics should be done within my own blog as oppose to keeping them here. Hence my blog is created so that I can have a venue to express my creativity and thoughts on my other interests. For those of you who share similar interests, you can check out my site

Due to the sheer volume of articles I have written about trading, many of which are trading related yet not technically in line with what is offering, they have to be split from my blog into yet another site. Hence for my non-technical writings about trading, videos I have curated from various sources that I think are useful for traders and my reviews of trading related products, you can find them at the site Essence of Trading

The reason why I picked the Tai Chi picture above for this page is best explained by my article Tai Chi Traders in a World of Chaos at Essence of Trading.

Below are the old blog posts that were originally posted here. To avoid broken links from other sites, I have decided to keep them here.

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Market Internals 2013-09-22

2013 Sep 22 Sun 11:38:15 | by Lawrence

Monthly update on market internals.

The current snapshot of S&P 500 3-Day Advance Issues, Tick16 Short Term + Long Term as of 2013 September 22 close.



1. Long Term Tick16 (yellow line) tagging neutral zone from below

2. Short Term Tick16 (red line) back up at overbought zone forming two divergence tops against S&P new high. One spans 10 days and the other spans 3 days.

3. 3-Day Advance issues (green line) dropped down to neutral zone after divergence top against S&P new high


a. #1 is neutral

b. #2 points to short term top in the making

c. #3 a short term top will be in place if 3-Day Advance can go negative. A bounce off neutral zone can be a very powerful buy signal so there will be a big fight to control the outcome


Inference from last update worked out well:

– S&P formed short term bottom right at the beginning of the following week

– rally from the short term bottom did not make it to 50% as it dropped lower first

The long term outlook mentioned that where S&P will be heading depends on the 3-Day Advance formation. By end of August / early September we’ve got the divergence bottom in place resulting in one strong rally.

Long Term Outlook

The other long term breadth data I have also points to major divergence against this S&P new high. Historically there are 2 ways to resolve such divergence. First is a quick deep sell off of 10% or more. Second is a 5% sideway move with extreme volatility.


Ray Dalio: How The Economic Machine Works

2013 Sep 21 Sat 19:53:42 | by Lawrence

One of the better video online explaining how our financial system works. Definitely better than any nonsense from classic economic theories.

You can find the draft paper from

Note: Bridgewater obvious found out the hard way that such video can bring down their website so they have uploaded the video to youtube now. I have fixed the link to point to youtube.


Jem Bendell: The Money Myth

2013 Sep 20 Fri 14:06:48 | by Lawrence

Dr. Jem Bendell’s take on our financial system back in 2011.

As he mentioned in the video, the movement to ditch the money created by the bankers has started. It is something that cannot be reversed as government officials continue to work with the bankers instead of the people who elected them. When more and more people reduce the direct impact of money on their lives, the equivalent monetary activities will disappear and the multiplying effect will reverse.

As these movements gather more support over time, it is reasonable to expect the current financial industry will be wiped out from our future for good. Well, wipe out is a very scary term, so let’s say the financial industry will be reduced to insignificance in a not so distance future.

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Recovery of the Forgotten Article Category

2013 Sep 20 Fri 14:00:32 | by Lawrence

When I was revising the article section, somehow the articles on tech tips are not grouped into its own home page at all. Well, I found out about that today when I tried to link my article on UPS to the review of the APC Smart-UPS. So here it is, the tech tips section is now ready.

Go check it out yourself =)

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Mark Boyle: The Moneyless Man

2013 Sep 19 Thu 21:02:26 | by Lawrence

This video is not one of those directly related to trading. Instead, it is a thought provoking video about our world and the current economic model.

As more people take the stand like Mark Boyle, a reasonable country would response by cutting down its spending and stop wasting because tax income from these people will never come back.

Yet we know the governments we have nowadays would instead spend more to see if they can stimulate the economy. Some may even take the extreme measures to suppress these movements by force. It is something very bad. All our governments should never try but they already started.

This moneyless movement is no difference from the Bitcoins movement in the eyes of the ruling class. Both refuse to follow the rules set out by the governments. Both can have profound effects in constraining the power of the governments. Both are dangerous ideas.

The worldwide financial landscape is changing rapidly as more people thinking about solutions to terminate the stronghold of the banksters. It does not matter that the governments are not doing their jobs to hold the bankers accountable. It will take only one idea to break the current financial system worldwide and force a complete reset of the world order.

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2013 Sep 18
USB 3 And Windows 8 Do Not Mix (Yet)

A short note to myself that Windows 8 hates USB 3 devices. Have this posted here so that I can remind myself about this glitch. If I forget this problem in the distance future when I need to reinstall Windows 8 somehow, at least I have this post tell …

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2013 Sep 17
WTF Chart of the Day: Dow Component Changes On Sep 20, 2013

Dow is going to have another major shake up on September 20, 2013. Since component changes is such a rare event, its impact on the market is profound. Here are the charts of Dow over the last 4 component changes.   September 24, 2012. Down 110 …


2013 Sep 16
MBO Issue 21 Special Update 2 Available Now

I have just published a MBO special update. Premium members can read it here, Market Bias Observer Issue 21 (Aug 2013) Special Update 2 …

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2013 Sep 16
Dr. Ivan Joseph: The Skill of Self Confidence

A very good TedTalk that is equally applicable to traders. I have talked about this aspect of trading many times in my writings: 1. practice, practice and more practice 2. objective evaluation of self 3. eliminate bad habits by promoting good o …

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2013 Sep 14
Market Breadth Primer: Custom Market Breadth Components Resources

In order to construct and maintain custom market breadth data, you need access to the latest list of components for the target baskets in order to collect the statistics properly. Following are resources you may find useful if you maintain your own c …

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