Don’t be a hero. Don’t have an ego. Always question yourself and your ability. Don’t ever feel that you are very good. The second you do, you are dead. – Paul Tudor Jones
If you make a bad trade and you have money management you are really not in much trouble. However, if you miss a good trade there is nowhere to turn. ...
Traders often repeat the same mistakes over and over, acting on triggers that have served them poorly time and time again even as they continue to expect a tidy profit ...
The Tape Reader's profits should develop naturally. He should buy or sell because it is the thing to do – not because he wants to make a profit or fears ...
If you really know what's going on, you don't even have to know what's going on to know what's going on... You can ignore the headlines because you anticipated them ...
The game taught me the game. And it didn’t spare me the rod while teaching.
- Jesse Livermore
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Accept both your profits and regrets. It is best to seize what comes to hand when it comes, and not expect that your good fortune and the favorable circumstances will ...
... if you cannot accept that losses will occur, then you cannot accept a good trading system that will make a lot of money in the long run but might ...
When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?
- John Maynard Keynes
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The markets are the same now as they were five or ten years ago because they keep changing — just like they did then.
- Ed Seykota
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It's not about being right or wrong, rather, it's about how much money you make when you’re right and how much you don’t lose when you’re wrong.
– George Soros
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