Accept both your profits and regrets. It is best to seize what comes to hand when it comes, and not expect that your good fortune and the favorable circumstances will ...
... if you cannot accept that losses will occur, then you cannot accept a good trading system that will make a lot of money in the long run but might ...
The question isn’t “Is the market efficient?” but rather “How inefficient is the market?” and “How can we exploit this?”
- Edward Thorp
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The most difficult task in speculation is not prediction but self-control. Successful trading is difficult and frustrating. You are the most important element in the equation for success.
- Linda ...
I think to be in the upper echelon of successful traders requires an innate skill, a gift. It’s just like being a great violinist. But to be a competent trader ...
Getting excited by gains in a trade is the first step toward getting panicky when those gains are threatened.
- Dr. Brett Steenbarger
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More than anything else, what differentiates people who live up to their potential from those who don’t is a willingness to look at themselves and others objectively.
- Ray Dalio
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Don't try to buy at the bottom or sell at the top
- Bernard Baruch
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