The terminology section was not compatible with the social sharing buttons we switched to last year. The problem is now resolved. More terms are added based on the common ...
Press release was made earlier that I am making a special offer to bitcoiners - lifetime premium membership for 1 BTC. You can see the deal on the Bitcoin ...
Earlier this morning (even now), there seems to be a network issue with Technorati Media's ad network leading to slow page load. My web team chooses to replace the ...
We've made some changes to the beta and the Historical Data Bank is now ready officially. High resolution index data are added in this update. Next step for ...
Thanks to a loophole in Wordpress, our site was hijacked earlier today for spamming email. Client information was not compromise in any way as we have done security measures ...
Some of our readers here probably noticed that we have several posts published with quotes from famous traders. They are actually done by a close friend of mine who ...
Starting today, premium members can enjoy an environment free from 3rd party ads (except home page). This will allow the site to load much faster. Enjoy!
One time special offer for the Bitcoin community. Before year end, you can purchase lifetime pass to our premium membership for just 2 BTC (Bitcoin). After New Year, ...