A small set of regular market breadth data is now available in the Historical Data Bank. We've revised the upload method and it is now much easier for us ...
Some of our readers here probably noticed that we have several posts published with quotes from famous traders. They are actually done by a close friend of mine who ...
Internet outage across southern Ontario has been on going over the past 12 hours.
We tried other means to push out the reports but the efforts were wasted.
We will continue to ...
Thanks to a loophole in Wordpress, our site was hijacked earlier today for spamming email. Client information was not compromise in any way as we have done security measures ...
We successfully deployed the new version of real-time price level tool for Emini S&P last night. It is expected to have minor issues here and there which we will ...
We will conduct site-wide maintenance over this holiday weekend. Site will be up as a whole with individual section closed for short period of time. Sorry for any ...
Starting today, premium members can enjoy an environment free from 3rd party ads (except home page). This will allow the site to load much faster. Enjoy!
We’ve encounter trouble with the Java applets which affect all the Real-Time Tools. Our hosting company is helping us to debug the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.