The search function is now updated with a better search engine and the results are no longer swamped by the daily market reports. Let me know if you encounter ...
Out of frustration I started to dig up information about the internet outages originated at the major Internet Service Providers. It turns out being one of the biggest ISPs in ...
The STOPD Levels MTF indicator is a simple indicator that plots the STOPD Levels on your chart based on the timeframe you've chosen. Nothing fancy. Example chart below on ...
For premium members, a new reporting service is added to S&P500 Signals page. Under premium models, a new section called daytrading biases will list all the relevant articles matching ...
I have been offered many times to sell my mechanical day trading systems. I turned down almost all of them. Most of these potential clients are retail traders. I rejected ...
During real-time chat this morning, I called for Emini S&P to drop down to at least 1633 today if it traded below 1653 on 5-minute close basis. For some reason ...
The daily updated custom market breadth report is now ready. In this first release, the following reports are ready: 1. market breadth summary in table format for Dow ...
I was not a person by any measure having green thumb. However, I was left with the responsibility to take care of a number of plants. Yet I have no ...
Some of our readers here probably noticed that we have several posts published with quotes from famous traders. They are actually done by a close friend of mine who ...
You’ll get your share this winter, don’t you worry about that 😉
No snow still. XD