As promised to my premium members I would publish my work here before they go into collections of ebooks. I have a slight change of plan now which delays the ...
Since the introduction of Windows 7, there is this interesting bug that keeps annoying people everyday with no real solution provided by Microsoft. Will explain what it is and how ...
Home page now sports a complete new look to improve clarity. More twisting of the page is likely but the overall new look is in place. Hope you all like ...
A very frustrated owner of my eBooks told me the sign up process for the membership to the site was broken. He could not complete his registration following the link ...
Very interesting night with Nikkei gapped up and zoomed higher to +120 points. Due to the fact that it is still an ongoing crisis with Syria I suspect such ...
Part of Art of Chart Reading
Traders often focus on how accurate certain chart patterns are and how much money you can make from using the patterns. The more experienced ones ...
This week the funniest news around the world is that Canada has finally sold off almost all its gold reserve. I use the word funniest because phrase like “most important” ...
You’ll get your share this winter, don’t you worry about that 😉
No snow still. XD