Some Minor Improvements
More changes to in progress.
The visible ones include revision to the article listing pages. The goal is to make them load faster and giving readers easier access to all the articles. The old design makes it difficult to browse through the article listing. The new one is now much more functional. Take a look here to see if you like it.
The article archive page was the one with most complains. You want one that has alphabetical order listing. You get it now. When you use the latest article page to browse through the articles, the archive listing link at the bottom will give you the listing in alphabetical order, filtered by the topic you have chosen.
There will be some more cosmetic changes to them over coming few days.
One neat feature added to these pages is showing icons that identify the articles having member only and premium content. So no surprise when you choose an article and that it ask you to login first.
The other article listing pages will have this feature added soon.