Sometimes We Have To Wonder

By Lawrence

I have seen this sign so many times over the years. Today is the first time I think of taking a picture of it.



Just pause for a moment and think about this:

1. This is a manually updated board

2. Custom made

3. Totally functional


My thoughts:

1. One of the administrative staff did this

2. On her own personal time too

3. Maybe the hospital paid for the material cost, maybe not

4. Not even an electronic version of the board can do a better job


What does this sign has to do with trading? Not much.

1. Some of the most useful things we can do to improve our trading may not come from better entry or better exit. It can be as simple as having a quick check on your open position whether it is doing what you expected it to be doing at any point in time.

2. If something works well and serves the purpose, do not try to fine-tune an existing tool unless there is obvious advantage and benefit from the overhaul that worth your time and effort.

3. Keep it simple, stupid


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