S&P Week Range Behaviour
A simple statistical exercise showing how S&P weekly trading range is closely related to and affected by its prior week’s trading range.
The Distribution
Following is a distribution chart of the weekly trading range represented in percentage terms of the prior week range. It includes data going all the way back to 1991.
It is a picture perfect t-distribution with several key properties.
The median is almost exactly landing at 100 percent. No mistakes here – exactly 50% of the time the trading week will be trading at 100% or less of the trading range established from the prior week, and the other 50% of the time the trading week will be trading at more than 100%. The highest percentage in record is about 550% of prior week`s range.
Those who have read STOPD will find it amusing that there is a spike in the distribution at the 150% and 200% levels.
And that none of the weeks print less than 20% of prior week’s range.
Knowing that the probability of a week going beyond 200% is pretty low, isn’t it better to lock in profit when it happens or reduce risk exposures by adjusting your stops accordingly?
Have you done distribution analyses of trading ranges using other time intervals?