Most people like to learn ways to predict when Trend Sell Weeks are going to happen. The surprising fact is that the week after a trend sell week has predictable ...
Part of Art of Chart Reading Summary Spike and ledge is a terminal pattern that happens more often in indices and post news shock environment. The concept is ...
As promised to my premium members I would publish my work here before they go into collections of ebooks. I have a slight change of plan now which delays the ...
Part of Art of Chart Reading
Traders often focus on how accurate certain chart patterns are and how much money you can make from using the patterns. The more experienced ones ...
Part of Art of Chart Reading The basic types of price movements are just contraction and expansion. It is similar to how we breathe. It cannot be simpler. ...
Part of Art of Chart Reading
Rising and falling wedges are chart patterns leading to violent breakouts. Most of the time, the breakout direction is opposite to the direction of the ...
Part of Art of Chart Reading
Summary Three Pushes is one of the more reliable chart patterns that work very well across almost all financial instruments. The pattern is easily ...
Part of Art of Chart Reading Many traders are obsessed with the idea that there exists secret uber chart patterns that produce superior returns with virtually no ...
This trading setup is kind of complement pattern of the one presented in The One Bullish Setup Everyone Must Know Daytrading Emini S&P. It is short only, strictly day trade ...
Easy Top is a chart pattern on Emini S&P RTH 5-minute that works well as a scalping setup. It is also a strong entry for other intraday trading styles. I ...
SPY Locked In Stair Step Up Pattern Since Beginning of 2013
The blue boxes below is defined by the range of January 2013.
Nothing magical. STOPD at work.