A simple, albeit less than optimal, investment strategy that is easily followed trumps one that will abandoned at the first sign of under-performance. – Tadas Viskanta
They trade too much. They don’t pick their spots selectively enough. When they see the market moving, they want to be in on the action. So, they end up forcing ...
To be a super-trader, you'll need an edge to overcome the laws of probability and the uncertainty of the marketplace. That edge comes from information flow, the ability to correct ...
Successful investing is anticipating the anticipations of others.
- John Maynard Keynes
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John Maynard Keynes on Anticipation by DaytradingBias.com
The Tape Reader's profits should develop naturally. He should buy or sell because it is the thing to do – not because he wants to make a profit or fears ...
Investing is the only business I know that when things go on sale, people run out of the store.
- Mark Yusko
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One of the best rules anybody can learn about investing is to do nothing, absolutely nothing, unless there is something to do.
- Jim Rogers
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Successful trading is about finding the rules that work and then sticking to those rules.
- William J. O’Neil
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... if you cannot accept that losses will occur, then you cannot accept a good trading system that will make a lot of money in the long run but might ...
In trading, you can’t hide your failures. Your equity provides a daily reflection of your performance. The trader who tries to blame his losses on external events will never learn ...
Listen to what the market is saying about others, not what others are saying about the market.
- Richard Wyckoff
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