"Economics" Posts

Andrew Lo: Bounded Rationality

By Lawrence

Dr. Andrew Lo gave a talk at Saïd Business School. It is one of the most information rich lectures on market behaviour to individual decision making process. If you are interested in Dr. Lo’s work you will like this video. The lecture is 55 minutes long so be prepared. One part of the lecture talks […]

Paddy Hirsch: Man vs. Markets: Economics Explained (Plain and Simple)

By Lawrence

Paddy Hirsch has done many interesting short video clips explaining financial terms and concepts to normal people. His work gathers so much interest that some of that is summarized into the book Man vs. Markets: Economics Explained (Plain and Simple). Although I do not agree fully with some of the views of Mr. Hirsch, his […]

Ukraine Nudging Towards What Russia Wants Update

By Lawrence

I posted back in the beginning of March that the crisis in Ukraine that my first hand information indicates the only thing that really matters is the control of the pipelines. It is proven to be correct and that the mainstream media has been all wrong. I am not sure what their intentions are but […]

Ukraine Nudging Towards What Russia Wants

By Lawrence

I’ve read and discuss about what happens in Ukraine since last week with many parties who are directly affected by the event. These stake holders all mentioned the same thing which I pointed out to the others – pipelines. Specifically, the natural gas pipelines built during Soviet Union period in Ukraine are the only means […]

Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Antifragile

By Lawrence

Mr. Taleb’s talk of the concepts from his book Antifragile. Note: It is a long talk. Google talks are usually an hour long. The nice thing about this talk is that it actually adds to the book. It is also a nice summary in case you are not interested in reading the book. Meat of […]

Paul Kemp-Robertson: Bitcoin. Sweat. Tide. Meet The Future Of Branded Currency

By Lawrence

This video is an interesting take on branded currencies. What 6 months can do to Bitcoin? This video was filmed back in June 2013 and now Bitcoin is standing at USD $800. I like to add to the video that an item having the store of value property need people to commit other existing assets […]

How Human Response To A Messed Up Global Economy Part 4

By Lawrence

Continue from part 3 You have now read all about the great things on bartering. I think it is time to discuss the dark side of bartering. Just like other forms of trading, there are many problematic issues making barter a bad idea. Barter Depends On Good People Barter and organized co-op to share production […]

What Is Money?

By Lawrence

First, a video from Secret Life of Money from Discovery channel. Not the full show here, just the short clip having the right statements and questions.   Second, a video from The Atlantic on the same subject.   Understand the basics about money will make you understand why Bitcoin is gaining all the buzz lately. […]

How Human Response To A Messed Up Global Economy Part 3

By Lawrence

Continue from part 2 Governments are running out of excuses to stop bartering from growing. The only issue left is how far bartering can reach in our economic structure. There was no historical period telling us where this development will take us so it is not possible to tell what the actual impacts will be. […]

How Human Response To A Messed Up Global Economy Part 2

By Lawrence

Continue from part 1 Bartering Destroys Multiplying Effects Banks facilitate a efficient means for money to freely floating among its users. Banks are supposed to help the multiplying effects in economy by making loans and short term borrowing for the other 99%. It is no longer true as many people already pointed out that the […]