"Economics" Posts

How Human Response To A Messed Up Global Economy Part 1

By Lawrence
Buying a Car Online - Hands and Key in Laptops

The interesting development of significant increase in moneyless transactions is something we should pay more attention to. Should this trend continues, it will become a disruptive event in the future on the current global financial system. Besides virtual currency, this is another important development that will affect economy worldwide. The Cause The 3 financial bubbles […]

Bitcoin’s Second Wind

By Lawrence

Don’t expect to see the following news in any mainstream media outlets in North America. Important development in the currency world that everyone should pay attention to: 1. United Kingdom in negotiation with China on trading China’s currency and bonds http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/10/15/uk-china-uk-rqfii-idUKBRE99E06Y20131015 2. China and ECB currency swap deal http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24486685 3. Bitcoin is now accepted as […]

Hans Rosling: 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

By Lawrence

A very short video shows us how much the world has changed. I guess it is time to look beyond US and the rest of Western countries when you look for trading opportunities. The easiest way to do so, of course, is to check out forex and index futures around the world to participate in […]

Bernard Lietaer: Why This Crisis?

By Lawrence

Bernard Lietaer is the person whose post-graduate thesis at MIT back in 1971 formed the basis of the modern floating currency system. He is the author of the book The Future of Money (out of print) which detailed the potential problems of the system we have in place right now way back in 2001. His […]

Ray Dalio: How The Economic Machine Works

By Lawrence

One of the better video online explaining how our financial system works. Definitely better than any nonsense from classic economic theories. You can find the draft paper from http://www.economicprinciples.org/ Note: Bridgewater obvious found out the hard way that such video can bring down their website so they have uploaded the video to youtube now. I […]

Jem Bendell: The Money Myth

By Lawrence

Dr. Jem Bendell’s take on our financial system back in 2011. As he mentioned in the video, the movement to ditch the money created by the bankers has started. It is something that cannot be reversed as government officials continue to work with the bankers instead of the people who elected them. When more and […]

Mark Boyle: The Moneyless Man

By Lawrence

This video is not one of those directly related to trading. Instead, it is a thought provoking video about our world and the current economic model. As more people take the stand like Mark Boyle, a reasonable country would response by cutting down its spending and stop wasting because tax income from these people will […]

David Harvey: The Crises of Capitalism (RSA Animate)

By Lawrence

Video from 2010 about the problem of capitalism in its current form. Notice that as of 2013 August the problem explained in the video is not resolved. Any moment now, should one large financial institution go under, we will re-live the horror of the financial crisis all over again. Passing the bomb around like the […]

Bank of England Setting The Stage For The Collapse of British Pound

By Lawrence

In an unpreceded move, Bank of England’s Mark Carney has tied the ultra low interest to the country’s unemployment rate. This action has one and only one reason to be put in place – to avoid / manage the stock market worldwide together with the United States. It is essentially promising infinite money printing as […]

The Intergenerational Wealth Study: Basic Estate Data 1916-1945

By Lawrence
Money rain

An old study done by none other than the IRS on the estate data during the period of 1916-1945. It is an interesting study where the data captured a period with 2 world wars and one great depression. Something all baby boomers should think about – how to properly plan their estates now and how […]