"Economy" Posts
Impacts Of Artificial Currency Devaluation And Quantitative Easing (Printing Money)
There is a confusion of what currency devaluation does to a country and its economy. Many people, including the well-known economists, have unrealistic expectation on the impacts of currency devaluation. I will try to explain it in plain English here from the trader’s point of view. Hence the content is not suitable for kids who […]
Bitcoin, Its Alternatives and Future of Money
Huge buzz about the Bitcoin rally lately among internet sites and mainstream media. There are many interesting discussion of what it is and how it is going (or not going) to change the world. Here is my take. 3 Factors Making A Currency Functional First you need the currency to be accountable. Accountable means the […]
Blueprint To Fix The Financial Crisis
It is actually very simple to fix the current financial crisis if the major economic powers in the world can agree to do all of the following things. Create a form of basic banking services that is non-profit and guaranteed by the governments What this requirement means is that normal people who are seeking a […]
Economist or someone who has no idea what he is talking about
From Daily Currant, Paul Krugman Declares Personal Bankruptcy How he gets into such trouble is worth reading, well, for a laugh.
The Open Secret of UK BOE Going QE Infinity
Confirmed today, http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Documents/speeches/2013/speech631.pdf Ever since the moment we’ve learned that Bank of England is going to choose a new leader, it is confirmed in every trader’s mind that BOE is going all-in QE Infinity. That’s why I mentioned in One More Major Economy Jumping Onto QE Infinity Express yesterday that Japan is the last one […]
One More Major Economy Jumping Onto QE Infinity Express
Bank of Japan finally joining its peers with the announcement today. http://www.boj.or.jp/en/announcements/release_2013/k130122a.pdf All the major currencies are now in non-stop printing mode. But to make printing driven inflation works, it is important that there is an exit, or parking spot, within the dynamic system for this to work. A big problem has now surfaced as […]
Marking This Day For What Morgan Stanley CEO Says
Just my own little marker in my blog for what Morgan Stanley CEO says on CNBC First Call today. http://www.cnbc.com/id/100390186 "Stock market could ‘still move higher’ if the political uncertainty is resolved." And then justify that by other excuses. Will be fun to look back by August this year on the outcome.
Essence of Trading: Don’t Blame The Politicians
The latest fiscal cliff fiasco and the ongoing financial crisis in Europe and Japan spurred a lot of discussion on the net. Some blame it on the politicians not doing their jobs. Some blame these politicians being stupid or "not having enough political will". Personally I do not under what this last phrase means at […]
Bernanke Having Serious Health Issues?
From his speech to the Economic Club of Indiana, Mr. Bernanke made some interesting statements. These statements, coming from someone with such prestigious background in education and credentials, look contradictory to what Mr. Bernanke is capable of. I am seriously worrying about his health, specifically, his mental health. Maybe my worry is not warranted as […]
The Robbery Spree Has Begun. First Target, Cyprus
What happened in Cyprus is exactly the type of events I warned about and why money has to be parked in hard assets that are not exposed. If you do not know what is happening with Cyprus, this is a good Q&A from Guardian, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/mar/17/cyprus-savings-levy-questions-and-answers Update of the event from CBC News, http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/03/17/cyprus-bank-deposits.html