"Trading Education" Posts

Linda Raschke: Stick to the Plan and Become a Better Trader

By Lawrence

I cannot say it better myself. Just watch it.

Must Read Books According To Famous Traders Of Our Time

By Lawrence
Books Traders Must Read According To Famous Traders Of Our Time

Everyone who wants to become a trader has to start somewhere. For retail traders that is often a book or a course on trading. After writing many reviews on trading books, an interesting idea sparked in my mind, what if I contact the well known traders of our time and ask them sincerely for their […]

Breaking Your Day Trading Performance Barrier

By Lawrence
Breaking Your Day Trading Performance Barrier

In the third part of the series, I have covered the psychological makeup necessary to compete against the other traders in the extremely competitive field of day trading. Those foundations will help you making the right decisions both inside and outside of trading. After all, only 1% of the retail traders can succeed in day […]

Kick Start Your Day Trading Career – The Right Way

By Lawrence
Kick Start Your Day Trading Career

In second part of this series, I proposed a new paradigm to think of trading skills development and the related expectations on trading performance. By accepting the new paradigm, traders can handle changes to their trading performances from a better perspective. As oppose to beating themselves up for not doing as good as they expected […]

Visualization of Trading Performance Progression

By Lawrence

In the first part of this series, I have explained that majority of traders have a misconception of the way trading skill is developed over time. That misconception leads to wrong expectations from the progress in their trading performance. The wrong expectations contribute to driving the traders in all the wrong directions to look for […]

The Misunderstanding Of Trading Skill Development

By Lawrence

Many people have learned that top day traders can make a lot of money. The idea of being able to day trade and forget about the markets by the end of the day is very sexy. It is also toxic like an addictive drug to most of the people who give trading a try. It […]

Dr Brett Steenbarger: Three Common Problems for Traders

By Lawrence

A video explaining some basic issues that traders often failed to address which affect their trading performances all the time.

Having A Trading Edge Is Not Enough

By Lawrence

Many aspiring traders who have a scientific or strong common sense background would arrive at the conclusion that if they discover an edge in trading, it is the answer to everything. They think all these psychology stuff on trading are not necessary as long as they have an edge on hand. They think that they […]

Adam Grant: Give and Take

By Lawrence

Adam Grant, the youngest tenured processor at Wharton, talks about his book, Give and Take. It is a long discussion of the ideas presented in the book. Be prepared to spend an hour on this. This video strikes an important point in trading. Many famous traders from the the past, those who went into the […]

Sara Lazar: How Meditation Can Reshape Our Brains

By Lawrence

Ms. Lazar is a neuroscientist. It is reasonable that she casts doubt about meditation and its benefits. Here is her take on meditation. Several readers asked about the specifics of mediation that I practice. I am not a trainer of any kind of meditation techniques thus my experience may not be the best guide you […]