A great presentation on the predictability of bubble burst. Watching just the video itself is not enough because Mr. Sornette also talked to Ted and provided his ...
Ms. Smeets’ great presentation of scientists and media mistakes of mixing up correlation with causality. It is what I warned traders and quants to-be all the time – if you ...
Another form of trading from a stock trader showing how one can profit from the stock market by following his plans carefully. The word investor chosen by Bloomberg on this ...
Mr. Achor speaks very fast in this video. His work identifies and sum up nicely what it takes to be more productive. More importantly, how positive psychology can help us ...
This TedTalk by Maomi Klein was filmed back in December 2010. It focuses on the major events at the time like BP oil spill and the worldwide financial crisis. It ...
Another useful thing one can do to improve your brain function. Traders who need to improve their game will find the ideas from this video more practical and effective than ...
Bernard Lietaer is the person whose post-graduate thesis at MIT back in 1971 formed the basis of the modern floating currency system. He is the author of the book The ...
A very interesting video by Tim Ferriss about his book The 4-Hour Body at Google Talk. If the book title has not stirred interest in you, the subtitle may – ...