The Lawrence Chan Blog

I have diverse interest in many things from science and technology to martial arts and ancient health practices. Obviously, discussion of these topics should be done within my own blog as oppose to keeping them here. Hence my blog is created so that I can have a venue to express my creativity and thoughts on my other interests. For those of you who share similar interests, you can check out my site

Due to the sheer volume of articles I have written about trading, many of which are trading related yet not technically in line with what is offering, they have to be split from my blog into yet another site. Hence for my non-technical writings about trading, videos I have curated from various sources that I think are useful for traders and my reviews of trading related products, you can find them at the site Essence of Trading

The reason why I picked the Tai Chi picture above for this page is best explained by my article Tai Chi Traders in a World of Chaos at Essence of Trading.

Below are the old blog posts that were originally posted here. To avoid broken links from other sites, I have decided to keep them here.

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Not Playing With Fire

2014 Nov 9 Sun 7:24:33 | by Lawrence

Thank you everyone for sending in your kind words during our time of loss.

I may have missed some of the emails this week due to not being able to clean the inbox on time. Sorry if I have not replied to your messages.

This week I am still bounded with duties that will occupy the normal business hours that varies from day to day. My schedule will allow me time to do some work in the wee hours and in the late afternoon. I will coordinate with my programmer to complete the several real-time assistant signals for both Emini and forex.

I will try to post some morning commentaries whenever possible. You can expect more articles to be published soon.

Throwing myself at work, even at a slower pace, is going to help me going through this transitional phase.

One thing I will not do is trading, at least for a while.

I have this kind of experience before when my SO faced life or death situation in the hospital several years ago. Even though I can carry myself through the situation which lasted for a month, making all the right decisions for her (she was unconscious), the aftermath was that my mind was so overwhelmed by emotion that even prolonged meditation everyday can only recover my mind to normal daily activities. Once trading was threw into the mix, I had noticeable delay in decision making.

I have learned the performance issue was caused by my brain being flooded with emotion triggering hormones. The delay of the brain’s ability to react is similar to a computer’s CPU overheated. Depending on the level of overload, it takes days for the brain to get back to normal sensitivity. Many things can help speed up the process like doing exercise and meditation. Being able to have good sleep also helps. Forcing oneself to activities requiring high concentration, however, can worsen the problem.

I think it is good to share the experience I gained here even though it is very personal – knowing when to stop trading is as powerful as any money management techniques can offer you.

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Off For The Week

2014 Nov 2 Sun 9:26:32 | by Lawrence

My SO has passed away. I need to take care of family matters this week.

Please direct all questions related to to Someone will assist you.


Short Term Schedule Changes

2014 Oct 31 Fri 4:56:38 | by Lawrence

Due to family emergency, I will need to spend most of my time away from trading and writing in coming few weeks.

I will not be able to reply to emails quickly so if there is something related to that you need immediate attention please email for faster response.

I have just posted a very long article on the principles in engaging gaps. It is something complex and I was sitting on that for a while with adjustments made here and there. I guess it is better to post it first so that premium members can spend some time with the concepts and provide some feedback on the topic before the trading signals are added.

Thank you everyone for your understanding.

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Time To Slack Off 2014 Update

2014 Oct 28 Tue 11:39:53 | by Lawrence

3d small people - rest on a chaise loungeLast week my trading goal for the year was reached. It happened so early partly because I have a modest goal this year. The main reason, however, was the swing play for the market correction worked out nicely. At this point, it is time for me to slow down with trading and spending more time on other priorities.

I will likely minimize my trading activities until year end which is what I do every year once the trading goal is reached. My focus will switch to updating and adding services for premium members. It is something I planned to do but never have enough time spent on the project. Will be good to see progress and improvements on the site before year end.

For those interested, there were Time To Slack Off 2013 and Time To Slack Off 2012 which discuss about different things including why it is important to reduce position size after having a winning streak.

In retrospect, I failed my goal of cutting down my trading time because I had the extra time and I choose to glue myself to the screen. I guess it is something I am comfortable doing while pushing further automation is something I can do but tedious enough that I keep delaying it. In 2015 further automation and reduced screen time will be of highest priorities.

This year and the one before I had more time for trading because my SO was in bad but stable condition. This window of opportunity gave me more time to focus on trading but it is coming to an end. Her condition has worsen much over the past two months so I have to plan my schedule accordingly.

Readers and members who know me for a long time already know about my situation. My SO has terminal cancer and has been fighting for her life for many years now. It is something I prefer not to discuss here because it is off topic for a trading website. Since it is going to affect my schedule in unexpected ways I think it is fair to tell everyone what the reason is.

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Ebola Has Been Spreading … So Are Email Virus

2014 Oct 15 Wed 19:20:18 | by Lawrence

Today at the Toronto General Hospital there was this sudden alert sound went off. I thought to myself what kind of emergency that they need to catch everyone’s attention like that. Then a very serious voice came through the PA system.

I cannot remember the message exactly but it went like this:

“This is an emergency broadcast … all staff with outlook access … do not open the email with the invoice file. I repeat. Do not open the invoice file … this is an emergency …”

I could not help smiling. Definitely brighten my day.

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2014 Oct 9
Major Surge In Traffic to

I was told we’ve got significant inflow of traffic hitting since S&P turned lower from September. It is not just some more people. I am talking about a lot more people. Many times more people than we used to see on a daily b …

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2014 Oct 5
Advertisement Networks: Another Business Eco System Normalized

The other day I wrote about Google and its complicated relationship with its adwords clients and adsense partners. That was just the start of our effort to revise and streamline the website. Simply put, I have hired a team to update the website so th …

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2014 Sep 30
Day Traders: The Heroes In Crumbling Financial Systems

Bloomberg published a story about CIS, a successful day trader in Japan. You can follow the link at the end of the post to read his story. It reminded me of another famous Japanese day trader BNF who was made famous back in 2005. You can read about h …

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2014 Sep 27
The Secret Goldman Sachs Tapes: A System That Has No Accountability

As reported by many major websites including Bloomberg and ZeroHedge, the explosive information of these tapes told us one thing – the system is broken. There is no resolution to this problem. You cannot fix something that is completely broken. Th …

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2014 Sep 21
iStock Photo: An Isolated Issue or Bigger Trouble Ahead for the Dotcom 2.0 Companies

Lately, the company iStockphoto we’ve chosen for photos and art works to pair with our articles, has made fundamental changes to their pricing structure. At this point, we can no longer justify using their service for our purpose. Worse part of …

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