The official Federal Open Market Committee announcement on May 1, 2013 contains an interesting statement that every market participants should think about. The all powerful Fed says in ...
Lately, the company iStockphoto we’ve chosen for photos and art works to pair with our articles, has made fundamental changes to their pricing structure. At this point, we can ...
I wrote about the possibility of asset tax coming to town in the 3rd instalment of my bartering series. Now, London is the first city to strike their foreign ...
Europe has been on life support ever since the start of the financial crisis. One key mechanism that will be put in place is the ESM starting July 1, 2013. ...
Talking to a friend the other day, he mentioned that vegetables have doubled or even several times higher in price in just half a year. We are not talking about ...
Confirmed today, Ever since the moment we've learned that Bank of England is going to choose a new leader, it is confirmed in every trader's mind that ...
What a way for the year to start. In Asia, China acted decisively to devalue its currency and then speculators panic selling stocks in response. In Europe, EU looking to ...
The Madness of QE Has To Stop Now
From New York Times,
Stop the pay out to the fat cats and solve this global financial problem with humility.