This time it is South Korea's Bank of Korea who cuts its interest rate. As mentioned last time, once Japan started QE, it would reverse the effects of US ...
Last weekend, during dinner with friends and family on Canadian Thanksgiving, the very topic of turkey prices was raised. The discussion was very interesting and I have put some thoughts ...
Talking to a friend the other day, he mentioned that vegetables have doubled or even several times higher in price in just half a year. We are not talking about ...
A good video on why the Panama Papers is so important. Understand that it is a global problem affecting everyone is just the start. For example, tax evasion at the ...
What a way for the year to start. In Asia, China acted decisively to devalue its currency and then speculators panic selling stocks in response. In Europe, EU looking to ...
Paul Tudor Jones made a presentation at TED2015 on the concept of justness and the necessity to expand the definition of capitalism. Here is the blog entry from Ted ...
From his speech to the Economic Club of Indiana, Mr. Bernanke made some interesting statements. These statements, coming from someone with such prestigious background in education and credentials, ...
The Madness of QE Has To Stop Now
From New York Times,
Stop the pay out to the fat cats and solve this global financial problem with humility.