The Thinking Toolbox: Thirty-five Lessons That Will Build Your Reasoning Skills by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn

By Lawrence

Summary: Great introductory book on logical thinking. Examples and exercises accompany each lesson making it easy to track your understanding of the lessons and progress. Highly recommended.

Book Information

The Thinking Toolbox: Thirty-five Lessons That Will Build Your Reasoning Skills
Written by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn

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A well planned lessons driven introductory book on logical reasoning. Comparing to college text on the same topic which are dry and boring, this book offers the reader a good reading and fun experience while learning better reasoning skills in the process. The authors mentioned the book is recommended for everyone from age 12 and up. I found that kids from age 8 who are well read can understand the materials without problem.

The book is divided into 35 lessons. Each one focuses on one aspect of reasoning with examples and discussions of what they are and how to utilize the conepts in your own situations. The goal of the book obviously is to clarify what constitute good practices in reasoning.

One issue with the book is that some reasoning concepts like “what is pseudoscience” can turn into touchy subjects in discussions. So if you are giving your kids this book to read, be prepared yourself to answer questions raised from the book.

Highly recommend this book to anyone who like to improve their reasoning skills.


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