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Euro Weekly Breakout Bias ![premium content premium content](/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/member_prem.jpg)
Euro Dollar has a unique characteristic driving its price behaviour towards the end of each week. In general no one really care much about the weekly price levels. I guess that is the reason why the bias survives all the way. The Performance Follow ...
![premium content premium content](/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/member_prem.jpg)
Euro Dollar has a unique characteristic driving its price behaviour towards the end of each week. In general no one really care much about the weekly price levels. I guess that is the reason why the bias survives all the way. The Performance Follow ...
WTF Chart of the Day: What The Beep Is Going On With S&P 500
Following is the chart of S&P 500 Emini future 15-minute chart, regular trading session only since Oct 23, 2013. Many traders are scratching their heads wondering what is going on. An 8 points only channel for 4 days?! Well, it is not someth ...
Following is the chart of S&P 500 Emini future 15-minute chart, regular trading session only since Oct 23, 2013. Many traders are scratching their heads wondering what is going on. An 8 points only channel for 4 days?! Well, it is not someth ...
Trading With Tick Index: Early Detection Of Trend Buy Day (Signal ID - TICK Trend Buy) ![premium content premium content](/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/member_prem.jpg)
Trend buy day are the days where the stock market indices just keep going higher. Day traders are often trapped on the wrong side of the market on such days due to various price based measures telling them the up moves are over extended. What they fa ...
![premium content premium content](/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/member_prem.jpg)
Trend buy day are the days where the stock market indices just keep going higher. Day traders are often trapped on the wrong side of the market on such days due to various price based measures telling them the up moves are over extended. What they fa ...
WTF Chart of the Day: Dow Component Change Aftermath
I posted about the expectations of Dow component changes right before it took place last month. The outcome is almost 1000 points drop starting right on the day of component change, just like what happened before. Stock market indices are funny this ...
I posted about the expectations of Dow component changes right before it took place last month. The outcome is almost 1000 points drop starting right on the day of component change, just like what happened before. Stock market indices are funny this ...
Defensive Money Management Explained: First Component Of Averaging Down ![premium content premium content](/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/member_prem.jpg)
Unplanned average down is one of the biggest enemies for traders with limited capital. Planned average down, however, can work and it is much more complex than most people can imagine. Although I do not recommend traders to employ the strategy in the ...
![premium content premium content](/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/member_prem.jpg)
Unplanned average down is one of the biggest enemies for traders with limited capital. Planned average down, however, can work and it is much more complex than most people can imagine. Although I do not recommend traders to employ the strategy in the ...
Bitcoin's Second Wind
Don't expect to see the following news in any mainstream media outlets in North America. Important development in the currency world that everyone should pay attention to: 1. United Kingdom in negotiation with China on trading China's currency and ...
Don't expect to see the following news in any mainstream media outlets in North America. Important development in the currency world that everyone should pay attention to: 1. United Kingdom in negotiation with China on trading China's currency and ...
Market Breadth Primer: Broad Based Market Breadth vs. Custom Market Breadth
Broad Based Market Breadth are general statistics collected across a large group of tradable instruments with no specific focus. Custom Market Breadth refers to statistics collected on a specialized basket of tradable instruments with either conven ...
Broad Based Market Breadth are general statistics collected across a large group of tradable instruments with no specific focus. Custom Market Breadth refers to statistics collected on a specialized basket of tradable instruments with either conven ...
WTF Chart of the Day: Gold Bugs Refuse To Give Up
I posted about gold back in mid Sep. Time to review what happened since. The inability of gold holding 1320 points to a drop to the next target zone below. How do we tell where a target zone is? The area highlighted by the red rectangle is a cha ...
I posted about gold back in mid Sep. Time to review what happened since. The inability of gold holding 1320 points to a drop to the next target zone below. How do we tell where a target zone is? The area highlighted by the red rectangle is a cha ...