Trading Psychology

I am no expert in psychology. Just like all other traders, I went through all kinds of emotional troubles before finding my way to live with trading. Articles written on the subject are more personal experience than anything else.

I am a strong believer that by being knowledgeable enough in a subject (in this case trading), the emotional swings associated with the uncertainties will subside. The key here is not just knowledgeable in theory, but also fluent in applying the knowledge.

A good analogy is driving. You cannot drive a car by just learning it from a few video instruction sessions. You have to practice to get a feel how driving actually works. Better drivers do not necessarily driving cars many hours a day. It is the focus and the amount of time spent in fine tuning certain skills in driving that counts.

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Forex Traders Profitable Rate Much Higher Than Stocks and Commodities Traders

Reports from the US forex brokerages indicate that retail forex traders are quite profitable over the past few quarters. Some firms reported that they have close to 40% of their retail clients being profitable in last quarter 2011. The survival rate ...


Essence of Trading: Emotional Imbalance Can Impact Your Trading Decisions (and Profitability)

What I am going to talk about is not the kind of emotional roller coasters from life-altering events that we know for sure can cloud your judgement. It is something more subtle and will surprise a lot of people. A Good Read First, I have to mention ...


Mailbag: Stop Trading When You Are Tired

Received a subscriber's question together with his trade records organized in an Excel file. He asked how he can improve his trading performance as he is very frustrated that there seems to be a barrier blocking him from performing better. Make no ...


Essence of Trading: Only Man-made Roads are Straight and Smooth

Ever observe a tree in detail? From afar, a tree may look tall and sturdy. That is just our impression of the tree. By looking at a tree carefully, you would notice that it is not quite accurate. Its branches are never grown in straight lines. The ...

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