Since we switched our site tracking service, we lost part of our trend tracking data. We will patch the code as soon as we can to restore the service. Sorry for the inconvenience.
It happened again … part of the auto archiving engine failed to produce the transcript. We’ve been testing some new code for a while now. We are going to ...
We are going to add additional security measures to defend the site from hostile web crawlers and other robots. The installation of new server-side software should not take long. We ...
Later tonight the auto update of the real-time price levels tools may stop update for 15-20 minutes. We have to test and improve the way the data is delivered. ...
We've experienced a surge in bad bots scanning our site. Last night around 4 am the server load spiked so much the web site has slowed down to the point ...
The special offer of 1 Bitcoin for premium membership lifetime pass will expire by May 31st, 2014. After the special offer, the price for premium membership lifetime pass will ...
The instability of our internet access makes it difficult to conduct testing on the new backend. I've decided to postpone the update until our internet access is stable again. ...
Our server upgrade was completed successfully. Site is running smoothly. We will proceed with our plan to backup the site with other routine maintenance to be completed over the weekend. ...
Rogers (my cable internet ISP) fixed the internet hub on my street late last night (and actually at several other locations nearby) after an obvious hardware failure event back on ...
It's been three long years since I started working on this project. It transformed from "A Crash Course In Chart Reading" to "Art of Chart Reading" over the years. It ...
This is taken care of since Tuesday.