One common adage...that is completely wrongheaded is: You can't go broke taking profits.
That's precisely how many traders do go broke.
While amateurs go broke by taking large losses, professionals go broke ...
The markets generally are unpredictable, so that one has to have different scenarios. The idea that you can actually predict what's going to happen contradicts my way of looking at ...
The question isn’t “Is the market efficient?” but rather “How inefficient is the market?” and “How can we exploit this?”
- Edward Thorp
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Markets are constantly in a state of uncertainty and flux and money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected.
– George Soros
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Patience is the key to success not speed.
Time is a cunning speculator's best friend if he uses it right.
- Jesse Livermore
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Jesse Livermore ...
Don’t overestimate the skill and wisdom of professionals.
- Peter Lynch
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Peter Lynch on Professionals by
Beware of large positions that can control your emotions. Don’t be overly aggressive with the market. Treat it gently by allowing your equity to grow steadily rather than in bursts.
If you make a bad trade and you have money management you are really not in much trouble. However, if you miss a good trade there is nowhere to turn. ...
If you don't know who you are, this is an expensive place to find out.
- George Goodman
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George Goodman on Stock Market ...
Great traders do their best work when they are not trading; unsuccessful traders do not work when they are not trading.
- Dr. Brett Steenbarger
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