Memorable Quotes from Famous Traders

and sometimes both.
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Tom Baldwin on Patience
They trade too much. They don’t pick their spots selectively enough. When they see the market moving, they want to be in on the action. So, they end up forcing the trade rather than waiting patiently. Patience is an important trait many people ...
They trade too much. They don’t pick their spots selectively enough. When they see the market moving, they want to be in on the action. So, they end up forcing the trade rather than waiting patiently. Patience is an important trait many people ...
Jesse Livermore on Tips
I know from experience that nobody can give me a tip or series of tips that will make more money for me than my own judgement. - Jesse Livermore Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Jesse Livermore on Tips by ...
I know from experience that nobody can give me a tip or series of tips that will make more money for me than my own judgement. - Jesse Livermore Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Jesse Livermore on Tips by ...
Michael Steinhardt on Headlines
If you really know what's going on, you don't even have to know what's going on to know what's going on... You can ignore the headlines because you anticipated them months ago. - Michael Steinhardt Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code ...
If you really know what's going on, you don't even have to know what's going on to know what's going on... You can ignore the headlines because you anticipated them months ago. - Michael Steinhardt Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code ...
George Goodman on Stock Market
If you don't know who you are, this is an expensive place to find out. - George Goodman Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): George Goodman on Stock Market by ...
If you don't know who you are, this is an expensive place to find out. - George Goodman Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): George Goodman on Stock Market by ...
Richard Wyckoff on Gambling
Anyone who buys or sells a stock, a bond or a commodity for profit is speculating if he employs intelligent foresight. If he does not, he is gambling. - Richard Wyckoff Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Richard Wyckoff on G ...
Anyone who buys or sells a stock, a bond or a commodity for profit is speculating if he employs intelligent foresight. If he does not, he is gambling. - Richard Wyckoff Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Richard Wyckoff on G ...
Vadym Graifer & Christopher Schumacher on Home Runs
Take home runs when you can, but don’t beat yourself up about missing a few. One trade should never make or break your account. - Vadym Graifer & Christopher Schumacher Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Vadym Graifer & Ch ...
Take home runs when you can, but don’t beat yourself up about missing a few. One trade should never make or break your account. - Vadym Graifer & Christopher Schumacher Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Vadym Graifer & Ch ...
Tadas Viskanta on Strategy
A simple, albeit less than optimal, investment strategy that is easily followed trumps one that will abandoned at the first sign of under-performance. - Tadas Viskanta Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Tadas Viskanta on Str ...
A simple, albeit less than optimal, investment strategy that is easily followed trumps one that will abandoned at the first sign of under-performance. - Tadas Viskanta Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Tadas Viskanta on Str ...
Mark Douglas on Knowledge
There can be a huge gap between what you understand about the markets and your ability to transform that knowledge into consistent profits. - Mark Douglas Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Mark Douglas on Knowledge by Daytr ...
There can be a huge gap between what you understand about the markets and your ability to transform that knowledge into consistent profits. - Mark Douglas Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Mark Douglas on Knowledge by Daytr ...
Linda Bradford Raschke on Opinions
Successful traders isolate themselves from the opinions of others. - Linda Bradford Raschke Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Linda Bradford Raschke on Opinions by ...
Successful traders isolate themselves from the opinions of others. - Linda Bradford Raschke Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Linda Bradford Raschke on Opinions by ...
Jesse Livermore on Game
The game taught me the game. And it didn’t spare me the rod while teaching. - Jesse Livermore Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Jesse Livermore on Game by ...
The game taught me the game. And it didn’t spare me the rod while teaching. - Jesse Livermore Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Jesse Livermore on Game by ...