Memorable Quotes from Famous Traders

and sometimes both.
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William Eckhardt on Taking Profits
One common adage...that is completely wrongheaded is: You can't go broke taking profits. That's precisely how many traders do go broke. While amateurs go broke by taking large losses, professionals go broke by taking small profits. - William ...
One common adage...that is completely wrongheaded is: You can't go broke taking profits. That's precisely how many traders do go broke. While amateurs go broke by taking large losses, professionals go broke by taking small profits. - William ...
Jesse Livermore on Patience
Patience is the key to success not speed. Time is a cunning speculator's best friend if he uses it right. - Jesse Livermore Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Jesse Livermore on Patience by ...
Patience is the key to success not speed. Time is a cunning speculator's best friend if he uses it right. - Jesse Livermore Embed This Image In Your Site (copy code below): Jesse Livermore on Patience by ...