
Sometimes we need a break too!
If you have something funny to share,
feel free to post that at our forum.
Error, group does not exist! Check your syntax! (ID: 9)
alphabetical order | posting date
Google Trend Humour: Valentine's Day, Love and Sex
Sometime fun for this Valentine's Day weekend. Here is Google Trend on Valentine's Day, Love and Sex. Can you guess which line corresponds to which term? Notice the correlation is not that simple. Whenever yellow line spikes up, blue line also ...
Sometime fun for this Valentine's Day weekend. Here is Google Trend on Valentine's Day, Love and Sex. Can you guess which line corresponds to which term? Notice the correlation is not that simple. Whenever yellow line spikes up, blue line also ...
Google Autocomplete Humour: Portals and Search Engines
Why do people search for these things?! LOL ...
Why do people search for these things?! LOL ...